Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The day after.

I've had about a trillion different things going thru my head over the past couple of days that I have wanted to write about, some concerning the elections, some other topics but you know, after sitting here and reading thru my stream on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter...etc...I think that the slinging of opinions can take a little rest,I myself am responsible for putting a few zingers out there into social network world and right now, where it stands the 44th President has been elected and whether you voted for him or not, whether you believe in everything he says, now, the mission should be to be an example to the younger generation of voters who are watching and listening to all of this back and forth going on, some who are being told that they should hate Romney or hate Obama {depending on who their parents voted for} Everyone can't win, everyone can't have their way. Tis life and reality but how we choose to react when our "team" doesn't win is what matters a whole lot. I've read some pretty nasty stuff from both sides and it saddens me that people who appeared to be friends in both real life or "cyber life" have become bitter enemies over this whole election, LOVE one another. It's that simple. Allow others to have their opinion as you project yours but at the end of the conversation/debate/whatever let it be done there and walk away remaining friends. While things may not be going exactly the way that some may have wanted, that is where faith comes in, having faith that the God who created this world is still here watching over it. I just truly know, that after losing Alyssa, how very short life is, even if you live to be 100, in the grand scheme of it all, life is still short. And so with that being said, I want to live my life with as little sadness, negativity, anger, rudeness, cruelness that I possibly can and would rather fill my days with as much faith, hope and love that I possibly can pack into each day. I love all of my friends, Obamaians and Romneyians alike. At the end of the day I'd just like to sit and have a cup of coffee with every one of you and talk about nothing that has to do with politics but everything that has to do with nail polish, music, our kids, our photography, our blahs and our ahhhs! And come on peeps, Pot was legalized in Colorado and Washington last night {Anddd putting the lid back on to that can of worms I just opened} :) I have really been thinking alot LOT lately how I feel like it's time to make a move of some sort, my heart feels like its wandering, kind of like it soaring and it's looking for a new place to land. I'll explain more later.

this is one of the only videos I could find of this song that didn't have a ton of Twilight stuff in it. Next week the new vote starts...Team Edward or Team Jacob. Everyone play nice.

1 comment:

  1. it's awful isn't it? how hateful people can be. over opinions. gaaaaaahhhhh.

    i would love nothing more than to sit around with you and talk nail polish. {hello gorgeous chunky glitter from the kardashian collection} oh, and our kids. that too.

    can't wait to hear about your big change. hit me up in email or fb message or something. i'm dying to know!

    and how to subscribe to my blog, i don't really know. lol. i use google reader and just add people. i suppose i should add a rss or whatever huh?


